Sick twisted Mitch McConnell openly celebrates the “death” of his 2020 opponent

This weekend, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tripped and fell and broke his shoulder. If he was hoping for sympathy, let’s just say that he’s not getting any, as long as he keeps blocking gun control and election security legislation, and keeps propping up Donald Trump. Worse, McConnell has stooped to celebrating the “death” of his 2020 opponent Amy McGrath.

Shortly after the white supremacist mass shooting in El Paso, the Twitter account @Team_Mitch tweeted a photograph of a fake tombstone which read “RIP – Amy McGrath – November 3rd, 2020.” To be clear, while Mitch McConnell does most of his tweeting from his @senatemajldr account, @Team_Mitch is also a verified account belonging to McConnell. In other words, the tweet in question is directly the doing of McConnell and his team.

McConnell could have tried to argue that the photo was posted before he and his team were aware of the El Paso shooting. But the photo would still be in dangerously bad taste even if the shooting hadn’t happened. Moreover, two days later, McConnell still hasn’t deleted it –thus making clear that he couldn’t care less about the implications.

Amy McGrath, the high profile Democrat and military veteran who’s running against Mitch McConnell in 2020, and the target of McConnell’s “death” tweet, posted this in response: “Hours after the El Paso shooting, Mitch McConnell proudly tweeted this photo. I find it so troubling that our politics have become so nasty and personal that the Senate Majority Leader thinks it’s appropriate to use imagery of the death of a political opponent (me) as messaging.”

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