Donald Trump just got hit with some terrible news

Watching Donald Trump’s approval rating is like sipping aged whiskey. It’s quite pleasurable. Because these numbers have changed so drastically, they require a closer look. Morning Consult conducted the latest tracking poll, and that organization’s website reveals even greater detail about the poll’s findings. While Trump is experiencing a fall from net-positive to net-negative in virtually every battleground state, Morning Consult went much farther.

Keep in mind that these numbers reveal the movement on Trump’s approval rating, which invariably reflects his disapproval rating. For purposes of reelection, however, it is much more vital to show how Trump’s approval continues to plummet. For Trump, Wisconsin has moved from +3 to -14, Michigan from +7 to -11, Pennsylvania from +10 to -8, and Florida from +22 to -1. Even if the Russians or some other foreign government interferes, these numbers will make it nearly impossible for them to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse (pardon the cliché, but it so fits). Not only is Trump rapidly losing ground in the “swing” states, but like kudzu, these numbers are creeping into other states, including New Hampshire, Minnesota, Maine, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Arizona, and Ohio. Surprisingly, these net-negatives are even beginning to impact the south in Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas. In Georgia, for example, Trump’s net-positive rating has dropped from +18 to +2 and in Texas from +21 to +6. While he still maintains a positive number in those states, at the rate they are dropping, it won’t take much to turn those to net negatives as well.

Even as these numbers are decidedly turning in a direction other than Trump’s favor, his campaign officials continue to try to put on a positive spin that only Trump’s true maniacal supporters believe. One campaign official told Salon that “we are trying to actively expand the map — aggressively.” Given the numbers in the states Trump allegedly won in 2016, they might want to get aggressive with those, as it doesn’t appear very likely that they are going to win over any new states. They’d best be worried about regaining the ones that are slipping away.

At the same time, Democrats are celebrating. “The midterms were a strong indicator of the Dem energy in these states, particularly in Arizona, Florida and Texas, and set the groundwork for us to flip them,” one Democratic strategist commented to Axios. With Trump being vulnerable in “purple” states, and potentially in “red” states such as Texas, the time for one of the Democratic candidates to step out from the crowd is ripe. It is painfully obvious that much (if not most) of America has grown extremely weary of Trump, his failed policies, and his divisive rhetoric, and the Dems can pick him off like a carnival duck.

Adding to Trump’s woes, a vast majority of Americans believe the economy is slipping away. According to Quinnipiac: “The number of people who think the economy is getting worse rose by double digits since June.” Overall, poll participants firmly believe that Trump’s policies are hurting the economy in numbers at the highest level since he took office. Hopefully, this trend will continue, and we can look forward to a bright and sunny 2020.

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