Hey Donald Trump, liberate this, you domestic terrorist!

Donald Trump apparently concluded today that he has no chance of winning the election unless he finds a way to completely shake things up. These kinds of desperation heaves tend to be low percentage plays that only make things even worse for a losing candidate. But Trump is trying it anyway, and it’s ugly beyond words.

At around noon today, Donald Trump tweeted “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” Then a moment later he tweeted “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” These sounded like thinly veiled calls for violent civil war against the governors of these states. Then Trump left no doubt by tweeting “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”

That’s right, Trump is calling for his supporters to use their guns to violently overthrow the elected governments of Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia. This won’t happen, of course. Most of Trump’s supporters are cowards. If a few of his supporters do follow his advice and take up arms against their state governments, they’ll end up arrested or dead for it.

But Trump seems to think that by stirring up this kind of domestic terrorist sentiment, it’ll somehow shake up the entire landscape and cause him to become more popular. It’s worth keeping in mind that every single antic he’s tried over the past three years has failed to improve his pathetic approval rating. This is unlikely to help his weak odds of reelection either. It’ll just make things worse for everyone involved in the meantime.

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