Herschel Walker’s runoff campaign is crashing and burning already

The House majority has finally been called for Republicans, and the Democrats retained control of the Senate-with or without the upcoming runoff between Senator Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker because John Fetterman flipped Pennsylvania’s seat. Of course, if we can get Senator Warnock back to Washington, Democrats won’t need Vice President Harris as the tie breaker. That is obviously reasoning that only Democrats share, but Robert Pawlicki, makes a strong case against Walker being elected to the senate. According to Savannah Morning News, Pawlicki is a member and former president of a non-partisan, men’s civic organization in Savannah called Hamiltons. More importantly, however, Mr. Pawlicki is a semi-retired psychologist who can probably tell better than us that Walker isn’t mentally stable enough to sit in such an important position.

Pawlicki not only agrees with Walker’s own self-assessment that “he’s not that smart,” Pawlicki points out that Walker poses a danger to the state and the country if he is elected. One of the biggest self-imposed myths about Walker is that he is an “every man” as opposed to a member of the elite because that appeals to rural voters. Walker’s main credential for running is that he played football, as if that somehow uniquely qualifies him. He makes no stand of any of the important issues impacting voters today such as inflation or climate change. Instead, he’s worried about critical race theory, as if true American history doesn’t include him. Herschel, you’re Black, okay? Walker is merely glad-handing to rural (racist) voters, which is stupid beyond words. On top of his obvious stupidity, should he win this seat, Walker will have to learn to read and comprehend complicated bills and legislation, most of which will undoubtedly go right above his head.

Walker says idiotic things such as a “mist” that kills Covid and when addressing climate change, asking: “Don’t we have enough trees already?” When he was specifically asked about air quality, he went on an unintelligible diatribe about China’s “bad air” making our “good air” move, leading to the U.S. needing to “reclean” the air. Really, what can you say about any of this? As Pawlicki points out: “Voting for ignorance is dangerous no matter your political party,” and Walker is certainly ignorant. If Georgians really believe someone this out of touch can adequately represent the state, they need to think again. Of course, some of the rural voters are likely not much smarter than Walker. The mere fact that they are voting for an ignorant Black man over an intelligent, educated Black man tells you just about all you need to know.

Walker was egged into running for senate for very specific reasons. One is that he will be the perfect “yes man” to whatever the Republican party tells him because he’s just not intelligent enough to research issues and make his own decisions. Besides, he’s what racist whites have always loved: an ignorant Black man. Even if he hurts the state, they could care less. As long as he’s no “uppity Black” like Raphael Warnock, they’re good with it. That in and of itself is downright shameful.

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