Here’s something to worry about

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The earth is so vast. And all of us who inhabit it are mere butterflies, specks if you will, some among many. Years from now, when none of us are here, still the pendulum will exist. The pendulum is one thing we can always count on.

It has given us joy. It has also given us deep disappointment. Depending on which way it swings — and one never really knows until the last possible second — the pendulum has the ability to alter the course of history — which it has done so many times.

And I am worried my friends. I am worried about Virginia. The pendulum swung our way several years ago, turning the beautiful commonwealth a vivid blue.

But now? I see the red alert. I see warning signs that our pendulum may, in fact, be getting ready to swing in a way that has the potential to leave us in despair. We can stop this from happening.

It is only a few weeks now until the Virginia Governor race is over. Will the pendulum remain our friend through this race? This depends on activists like you. Please get out the vote. Who here is from Virginia? If that someone is you, ask yourself who you know with artistic talent. Who can whip up some eye-catching fliers and signs?

These signs and fliers should spell out the date of the election and the need to vote for Terry McAuliffe:

“Don’t let Virginia become Texas.”

“Youngkin wants to get rid of abortion rights.”

“Your vote can make all the difference.”

These are things you can put on said signs.

Sadly, I hear about Glenn Youngkin signs all over. We need to up our game and SATURATE Virginia with signs for Terry. Don’t live in Virginia? Fine. Send postcards. Contact voters.

Does anyone watch Maddow? Or Lawrence O’Donnell? Tweet them and tell them you want to hear about Youngkin’s secretly recorded conversation saying he “needs the independent vote” so he cannot do anything on abortion. But after he’s in office…

Anyone on Twitter — tweet the television pundits right after reading this and demand coverage of Youngkin’s horrible plans for Virginia. It is going to be close. It is possible Youngkin could win without our help.

This would be a nightmare scenario and one that Palmer Report refuses to let happen. Please give this race your all and then some. Because if the pendulum swings to the right, the consequences for Virginia are unimaginable.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report