Here’s some “unity” for you

There are a lot of questions being asked right now about whether the country can be brought back together. But in reality, with brief exceptions following external attacks, the country never has been “together.”
America has never really been “unified” at any point in its history, in the sense of everyone being on the same page. But America’s best stretches have always been when the left and the middle have united to outnumber the right, thus allowing for significant progress to happen. That’s what we have right now.
The other reality is that whenever the left and middle have found a way to come together for majority rule progress during our nation’s history, it’s often been a result of the right disqualifying itself. That’s also what we’re seeing right now.
So while we’d all rather the right weren’t going off this dangerous deep end, the reality is that it’s what’s allowing us to have majority control and get things done. So let’s put it to use and make good things happen, instead of fretting over how ridiculous the right has become.