Here’s how to really take the piss out of the Republicans

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Something that often gets overlooked: because something as obscure as a state legislature election typically attracts so little funding and so few voters, it’s possible for you to adopt a competitive race, put in the work, and single handedly ensure that the Democrat wins.

There are caveats: you won’t find reliable (or any) polling in an obscure race. So you have to know the district well enough to know that it’s competitive, by looking at recent results, demographics, etc. If 70% of that district’s population is Republican, pick a different race.

But if you know something about your local state legislature districts, or if you’re willing to dig into the demographics and data from recent elections in those districts, you can make a huge difference by picking a competitive local district and donating or volunteering for the right candidate. Or if you want to focus on flipping the state legislatures that are most likely to be involved in the deciding swing states in the next presidential election, you can do something like helping support the Democrats in the race for the Michigan State Legislature or the Pennsylvania State Legislature.

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