GOP sounds the alarm

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Mail-in voting is the glue that held our voting system together during COVID-19. For so many, it means the difference between voting and not voting. Mail-in voting has only become stronger and more durable in the last few election cycles. It is a port of entry for many who may lack the ability to vote in person for different reasons.

Unfortunately for Republicans, the glue did not hold together. On the contrary, it seems to have melted, causing much Republican angst.

“I’ve been screaming!!”

“I’ve been screaming it from the mountain top!”

These words of despair come from GOP strategist Cody Hall, who says the GOP’s distrust in the mail-in voting might just cost them the election in November.

The reason is that Donald Trump is still attacking mail-in voting. And even though mail-in voting surged during COVID-19, it was here before that. In many states, mail-in voting was the primary means of voting long before Covid came around.

Only now, it’s even more popular. So why is Donald Trump saying things like this: “Any time the mail is involved, you’re going to have cheating.” What an excellent way to win an election! Tell your voters not to vote.

But Republicans operatives appear to be getting increasingly frustrated because they know Democrats have the edge with mail-in voting. And Republicans want to change that. Only, how can they when the “head” of their party seems to be savaging the party from within?

“Totally corrupt.” That is how Trump recently described mail-in voting to Fox News.

“Automatically have fraud.” That’s Donnie again insisting mail-in voting does not work even though it DOES work, and many Republicans KNOW it works, but can’t seem to gain any ground in the mail-in fight for votes.

A Trump advisor told the Washington Post that the reason why Trump hates this type of voting is that he has a strong sense that Post Office Workers secretly tamper with ballots to help democrats.”

Postal service tamperers. I doubt it. Paranoia is alive and well and living in Trump’s skull. Will he next declare that little spaceships from Mars are landing with little green space people secretly messing with the mail?

So, as it stands now, we are set to dominate once again in the mail-in vote. How unsurprising this is. Donald John Trump is really helping us win!

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.