GOP has no idea what to do with this Trump and Putin debacle

The Nile is a mystery unto itself. Its flow has been studied by historians, great warriors, by royalty. Many have been fascinated with its brilliance and its flow. There is another type of Nile that is fascinating. That’s DENIAL. The denial of the GOP.

The GOP who sleeps with the enemy. For that is what they’re doing. And their denial — is something we must use against them in the midterms. Donald Trump has just asked Putin for help. This should be the number one story on ALL the networks.

Donald Trump asked Putin for help. He asked for the help of a murderous psychopath, a human beast who slaughters CHILDREN. Children! And every republican must be asked if they stand with Donald Trump and Putin. These words can’t just be asked from moderators. I imagine some candidates, terrified and alone, will skip the debates altogether. There is already some talk on that.

The questions need to come fast and furious from our television pundits. EVERY DAY they must question. MSNBC likely will. It’s said Maddow is due back soon. Lawrence O’Donnell already is. And Stephanie Ruhle — damn, she’s good. She is unrelenting on the quest for answers on Clarence Thomas.

CNN is barely covering actual politics for now. And, of course, Fox will not mention it. I wish we had more choices. But since we don’t, it is also up to us to keep this odious behavior of the GOP front and center.

These are things the GOP won’t want to talk about. What can they say? They risk angering their Kremlin boss Trump if they speak out against him. And it isn’t like they can say, “Putin’s a great guy.”

What we want to do is BRAND them. They’re the party that sleeps with the enemy. They seem to love that enemy. The enemy who would take the lives of children. The enemy that everyone with a brain knows is unmoored and unstable—the enemy of America — who appears Trump’s cozy friend. WHO do the American people want in power? The party of America or the party of Putin and the Kremlin? It is an easy question. And we must ask it over and over.

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