GOP goes bonkers as public hearings dismantle Donald Trump

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The January 6 hearings are a success. We know that. How do we know? One way is because the GOP is going insane over them. AND nobody on that side appears in agreement on how to handle things. Arguments are breaking out; Republicans are disagreeing. Isn’t it wonderful?

Here are a few examples:

Sean Hannity. Republicans are reportedly pissed at him for allegedly suggesting Hunter Biden be issued a pardon by Trump. Hannity is now taking incoming from many sides, which is quite amusing.

AND Republicans are also falling over themselves, trying to show Trump they are open to defending him.

Trump himself released an unhinged and rambling 12-page response which many ignored and which I won’t bother to quote from because do we really care what an enraged orange has-been has to say?

And then there is Fox non-news.

Fox took a lot of heat for not carrying the first installment. That decision caused them to become objects of derision, and they quickly became more of a joke then they already were — no easy task.

Fox did not appear to like that because they actually aired the second hearing. Of course, they likely were pretty gloomy when they saw their abysmal ratings as well — at least compared to MSNBC.

Basically – the louder they yell, the harder they fall.

We know it’s a success because it is simply driving the GOP crazy. Their behavior is pure lunacy, and they’re spending most of their time inventing absurd excuses as to why the January 6 hearings are fake.

But the problem is nobody seems to be listening to the GOP these days. It’s GOP in disarray again. And the hearings have only just begun.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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