House Republican Barry Loudermilk is having a no good, very bad, horrible day

The book 1984 by George Orwell was so ahead of its time it’s frightening. And the Republican party has taken a page from this book. 1984 is alive and well and living in the actions and the words of Republicans everywhere.
Before I get into the weeds of this story — allow me to remind you of one of the story’s most unforgettable scenes, a scene I have written about before. The protagonist is in captivity when he is asked how many fingers his captor is holding up. The protagonist says four. But he is told — by his captor — that he must see five. In other words — believe big brother, not what your eyes are telling you. And this story follows in the 1984 footsteps. Remember Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk?
Loudermilk is the one who reportedly gave a tour on January 5, 2021. The committee has wanted to talk to him. Loudermilk has resisted appearing for such talks. He’s argued earnestly that he did nothing wrong and that the tour was no different than a thousand others.
Loudermilk was taking a page from 1984. He was attempting to 1984 the January 6 committee. It didn’t work. Video footage has been released. And if one chooses to believe their eyes — not what Loudermilk is telling one to believe — they will see within the images is a very creepy story indeed.
They will see these sweet innocent tourists taking a series of photos. These photos are of strange things — such as stairwells and hallways. And one of the tourists was at the insurrection. Footage shows him walking menacingly toward the Capitol — and talking. The words he uttered were chilling.
“There’s no escape Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler.”
“We’re coming for you. We’re coming in like white on rice for Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, and even you, AOC.”
“We’re coming to take you out and pull you out by your hairs,” he finishes terrifyingly. What say you, Loudermilk? Loudermilk, as of the time of this writing, was still defending his actions, insisting he did not lead “reconnaissance tours” and that no office buildings were breached.
But the Capitol complex was closed that day. So what WERE these people doing there? And what of the bone-chilling behavior seen on video? There are questions Loudermilk must answer. But so far, he hasn’t. Believe what he says or your own eyes?
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