Good news for the Democrats

Among the most vulnerable seats that Democrats need to play defense on in the Senate is that of Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, currently occupying the seat once held by John McCain. Kelly won the seat by a slight margin back in 2020 in what was a special election meant to fill the seat for the rest of McCain’s term.

In a state that’s still relatively purple, the margins are likely to be competitive, but whoever wins a full term could have an influence on the political climate for where the state will go within the next six years – in time for the 2028 presidential election. The slate of candidates nominated by the GOP have made no secret about willing to do the full bidding of the former guy – that they will contest any election results they don’t like.

Fortunately, a new poll shows that Sen. Mark Kelly is ahead by eight points – consistent with what we’ve been seeing in senate polls throughout a number of swing states – Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin. The poll shows a virtual tie between Kelly and his opponent Blake Masters among non-college graduates and also shows Kelly garnering a bit of Republican support, which is pivotal to him winning the state.

This is a promising poll but it’s only one of them and we can’t take anything for granted in a midterm year. Let’s do everything we can to support Kelly, who fights hard every day for the people of his state and was a pivotal vote for President Biden’s latest legislative victories. If we win in Arizona and Pennsylvania, we’ll have a lock on the Senate regardless of what happens in the other states – so click here to donate or volunteer for Mark Kelly’s campaign.

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