Donald Trump goes ape shit

On the eve of the historic impeachment vote in the House of Representatives, Donald Trump is feeling the reality of his tomorrow. In a ranting and intentionally divisive letter written to Nancy Pelosi, Trump claims that he is writing this “for history.” If we had any prior doubts that Trump thinks that the impeachment hearings are a witch hunt, he has issued this call to action for his supporters.

Trump’s letter is his final call to rally the base before he is forever labeled as impeached. He offers up his attempt to invalidate the process by calling it unconstitutional. This ranting letter misstates the law and offers inaccurate versions of history, creating a historical record of the scrambled thoughts of this unlikely leader. It is doubtful that this document came from Trump alone. The words are too long, and it lacks the repetitive superlatives he typically uses when he cannot think of the words to say.

More likely, we can imagine Stephen Miller typing as quickly as he can to capture the elongated tweet. The scariest part of the message is that the insanity that poured from Trump’s mind represents a positive memorial to the Trump era. This six-page rant is ripe with historical inaccuracies, alternative facts, and emotional hyperbole. It misuses legal terms of art and shows the reader the degree of horror that we should all feel at this time in history. Other than the names, there is no way to tell if this is poorly written fiction or mental derangement vomited out on White House stationery, without the legitimacy of a lawyer’s signature.

The words are those of a spoiled child screaming into a megaphone. It conveys the anger of a vengeful spouse in the throes of a nasty divorce, wishing they had never hit “send.” It sounds like the guilty man claiming innocence. It should prompt thousands to register to vote and fill those who voted for Trump with stabbing regret. We will hear no such sorrow from Donald Trump. He cannot comprehend the destruction that will be left behind once we extricate him from the Oval Office. He is unaware of his lack of historical knowledge, and general ignorance that leaves the United States with an entirely unsuitable leader.

Like other authoritarians who came before him, Donald Trump believes that the truth is whatever he claims it to be. He is in denial that anything he could do could be wrong, can no longer control his anger, and a tweet will not suffice. In his mind, he is writing history. In this letter, Trump is the victim. On the eve of the impeachment vote in the House of Representatives, Donald Trump is like a caged animal, realizing that there is no way to avoid the primary descriptor of his presidency.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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