Give Joe Biden a break

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At least stop the bizarre and futile talk about President Biden’s reelection campaign. Listen, media — this non-story you’ve latched onto isn’t going anywhere and needs to be put to bed right now. It’s been up to long and too late. It’s kvetching. And it’s annoying as heck.

All the media — seem to have entered into a conspiracy to talk about Joe Biden’s age. Will he run again? SHOULD he run again? And what happens if he does not run again? It’s the clash of the media titans.

But here’s the thing — nobody wants to hear this. The reaction I see is puzzlement and utter annoyance. Because America has issues — real issues — tons of issues to talk about right now, and THIS is what the media has latched onto?

And it isn’t just Fox. Oh no, we’ve got Democratic media, Republican media — it’s an equal opportunity story, that’s for sure. And I personally am sick of it. Joe Biden will run again if he wants to. If he doesn’t want to, he won’t—end of the story. See how easy that was?

And yet they stubbornly persist. With solemn faces and the shiniest glint in their eye, they speak of this issue which was never a problem before, but all of a sudden has become the be-all and end-all of television and internet journalism.

Put it to bed. We do not want to hear it. We will change the channel when you start talking about it.

And we will laugh at you for trying desperately to create a mountain out of a molehill. Retire this story to the junk section where “Hunter Biden,” “Hillary’s emails,” and “Obama’s birth certificate wait for the company. We will turn you off when you start this fake melodrama. The truth is — We’re just not that into you right now, media.

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