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The DOJ is getting closer to Donald Trump. Last week, the DOJ called two people close to Mike Pence-which is damned close to Trump-before a grand jury. Marc Short, Pence’s former chief of staff, and Greg Jacob, a Pence aide, both testified. Enough has been leaked to reveal that both were asked about the fake electors scheme, which has been the focus of the DOJ’s investigation. CNN further reported that the DOJ is looking closely at John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani. Yes, they are getting close, but is it time for popcorn yet? We may have to wait a bit longer, but the reason these two have been questioned is obvious.

Both men were present during meetings with the Trump circus in the days leading up to January 6. These men are important because it is their testimony upon which a federal judge concluded that what Trump and his allies did was criminal in nature. Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters: “No person is above the law in this country,” and that seems to be the case as he moves closer to Trump’s inner circle. Adam Kinzinger is encouraged by the news that the DOJ is thoroughly investigating possible criminal activity surrounding Trump’s attempts to circumvent democracy.

Kinzinger spoke with CNN’s Brianna Kellar of “New Day” after the news broke that Short was testifying before the grand jury. Short has confirmed that he did indeed testify. Kinzinger told Kellar that this news has helped with his “frustration” over the length of time it was taking the DOJ to make moves in the investigation. As Palmer Report recently reported, Garland is methodical and keeps investigative information to himself, which makes the information surrounding these two men’s testimonies interesting. Perhaps they have something. Kinzinger is convinced that the investigation is moving forward and told Kellar: “That said, if they are moving forward on looking at this stuff, that’s positive for the country, even if, for the short term, it may be hard.” It will certainly be hard on MAGA nation, but it is past time for them to face the truth that their idol is a criminal. Perhaps they can get out of the denial in which they currently reside.

Reports are that Short is an especially important witness whose testimony indicates just how close the DOJ is getting to Donald Trump. Jacob was present at a January 4 Oval Office meeting with Trump and attorney John Eastman. He was thus privy to the push to get Mike Pence to get involved by refusing to certify the vote. Jacob also earlier testified to the committee that even though Eastman knew what he was proposing was unlawful, he claimed to find the law “unconstitutional.” Who died and left Eastman in charge of laws in this country is a mystery to anyone other than Eastman; however, knowingly involving himself in something criminal has left him in an interesting position. Perhaps as they close in on Eastman, he will throw Trump under the bus. We can hope.

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