Get ready for a complete disaster

Get ready for the biggest shitshow convention in the history of this nation next week, featuring the Missouri gun toting couple and other assorted cast of characters. We can expect to see videos showing protests and framing the reaction of police as justified. Based on Donald Trump post-Democratic National Convention manic meltdown, we are in for a spectacle.

On Friday, in response to the speech by President Barack Obama and the praise that Obama deservedly receives as a president who did well for this nation, Trump stated: “He can’t be a great president when much of what he’s done, we’ve undone.” That is illogical and stupid. Undoing by this president does not equate to great things, and despite his statements about what the Supreme Court has decided, Trump has lost several cases and Trump’s undoings have been found wrongful.

Trump also attacked the convention, which he apparently did not watch, as he stated: “The Democrats held the darkest and angriest and gloomiest convention in American history. They spent 4 straight days attacking America as racist, a horrible country that must be redeemed.”

They did not attack America as racist and horrible. But the policies of Trump and his Cult 45 followers and how the last three and a half years have unveiled the dark underbelly of America that had existed, and has been given freedom to come out from under secrecy and hiding. The convention was not gloomy or angry, but factual.

Perhaps Trump forgets the inauguration speech he gave. If he wants to speak dark and gloomy, he should look at his slogans and “fine people on both sides” arguments, including his acceptance of QAnon. Trump has “Made America Gangster Again” and with the convention next week, we can only imagine what messages it will contain. Just another manic meltdown.

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