Get a grip, Sean Hannity

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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. Sooner or later, one has to understand that perhaps what they’re doing isn’t going to work.

And someone needs to have an intervention with Sean Hannity. Because Hannity is getting virtually nowhere in his repeated attempts to do the same thing with little results. Sean Hannity has, in the last few months, been desperately trying to get his pal Donald Trump to condemn Putin. This would not be difficult to do if he was dealing with a normal human being.

Only he’s not. It is assolini he is dealing with, and that is never a good thing. Only Hannity will not give up. Like an ant, he scuttles about gamely, trying to force Trump to feel emotions he likely does not have.

Trump appeared on Hannity’s show the other night, and Russia was the topic of the night — Russia and Putin. Desperately trying to save Trump’s ruined reputation, Hannity asked his buddy to denounce Putin. That didn’t go well.

“I asked you the last time you were on,” Hannity pleaded. “Do you believe this is evil in our time?”

“Don’t forget I rebuilt NATO,” Trump answered.

Making matters worse for Hannity and sane humans everywhere, Trump was all too delighted to brag about how well he knows Putin. So he DID brag about this — as Fox aired images of body bags, resulting from Putin’s horrible war.

As viewers looked at the heartbreaking scenes playing across their televisions, they were subjected to the voice of Assolini bragging about his connection with Putin. “I knew Putin very well,” he boasted. “Almost as well as I know you, Sean.” It was not a good night to be Sean Hannity.

Memo to Hannity — you cannot bring soul into the heart of a psychopath. You cannot make someone feel horror at the casualties of war if they have no ability for compassion.

I think Hannity needs to give up this latest jaunt into Trump’s madness and accept that Trump will never condemn Putin because he can’t. Trump IS Putin — they’re two sides of the same coin, bound together in mutual darkness, with no light able to fall through the cracks. Let it go, Mr. Hannity. Let it go.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.