Geraldo Rivera goes completely off the deep end as Donald Trump circles the drain

Geraldo Rivera has spent the past several years trying to revive his career by selling his soul on Fox News. Has it been worth it? You’d have to ask him. In any case, as Donald Trump’s racism has become more blatant than ever, Geraldo appears to have finally reached his limit. Recently, he called out Trump’s racism on Twitter. Today, Geraldo went further. Much further.

After it was revealed that the El Paso mass shooter was a white supremacist whose rhetoric closely mirrored that of Donald Trump, it looks like Geraldo simply couldn’t take it anymore. He posted this tweet, which more or less speaks for itself:

Don’t understand how/why the #WhiteSupremacist killer of so many in #ElPasoTerroristAttack survives to be arrested? Wish brave cops killed the piece of shit. Sure he’s mentally ill. So was Hitler. Next time kill the sonofabitch first, ask questions later.

We’ll leave it up to you to decide whether Geraldo Rivera is doing this because he’s trying to get out ahead of Donald Trump’s impending potential downfall, or if Geraldo really has just snapped because he can’t take it anymore. Either way, Trump appears to have lost yet another prominent apologist. Just two months ago, Geraldo was trying to defend Trump from any impeachment charges.

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