Fox News just can’t help itself

Fox News will never change, even if they did get rid of Tucker Carlson. When something is rotting, one might try to disguise the rot. They might cover it over so the stench of decay does not permeate. However, with true rot, it always finds a way to make its presence known.

And so it did on Fox non-news the other night on Sean Hannity’s show. Sean Hannity is rotten. His show was one of the first on the horrible network to set off a chain reaction of angry and bloviating Fox Pretend broadcasters.

So let’s back up for a minute. You might have heard of Jordan Neely. He is the homeless man killed in a New York subway after being put in a chokehold. Neely had been reportedly wandering around the subway car, talking loudly, and he scared some of the other passengers.

So Hannity took to this story like stink on stink. Chattering away, he attempted to besmirch the victim by referring to him as “a mentally ill homeless guy with a long history of violent crime.” Subtle Hannity. Real subtle. As Hannity chattered on, talking about this man’s death, there was a stirring in the live studio audience and cheering.

Cheering from one of the audience members. This cheering was quite audible. Aaron Rupar on Twitter put it best: “Someone in the Hannity studio audience cheers for the guy who killed Jordan Neely.”

It was a horrifying moment that can’t be taken back. “That entire audience was cheering,” another member of Twitter said. “BLOODLUST,” tweeted someone else. “How could they?” said another Twitter user.

I say — very quickly. It IS bloodlust. It is the bloodlust of Fox non-news. And it’s tragic, it’s horrible to contemplate, it’s heartbreaking, but YES – there are some people in our beloved country who love bloodlust — who cry for it, cheer it and feel nothing — not one pang of guilt.

“Deplorable in every way,” someone wrote. Yes, it is, but it will not stop — not on Fox, the hideaway for misogyny, the safe space for psycho, the network that, as with the leopard, will never change its spots — never.

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