Fox News is beginning to crack

A miracle has just occurred. Fox non-news said something disparaging about Donald Trump. I imagine it is hard to believe. But believe it or not — it’s true. Fox news analyses were discussing the January 6 testimony.

The cast of characters include Fox legal analyst Johnathan Turley, Andy McCarthy of the National Review, and several Fox anchors. Turley was impressed with the testimony from Republicans. “These are respected Republicans,” he said. “Like the Speaker of the Arizona House. And some of this was extraordinarily compelling,” he continued.

Rusty Bowers, in particular, seems to have made quite a strong impression on the Fox cavalry. Turley described his testimony as “really authentic.” McCarthy mused that Trump might be looking at an “obstruction of Congress” charge.

They then went on to discuss the possibility of what might have been — if witnesses had testified for Trump. And McCarthy said something stunning. “What I would just say,” he began.

“Is that if you had a different perspective being presented here, I don’t think that would be very helpful to President Trump, per se, because the evidence pretty clearly shows his unfitness.”

Wow. For one blissful moment, Fox sounded — normal. Who on earth would have to thunk it? Of course, these people are not Mad Hatter Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham. But it was a rare moment of sanity amidst a regular hurricane of crazy.

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