One Fox News host has had enough of Donald Trump

On Monday, Donald Trump made an unprecedented move in ordering the declassification and release of unredacted documents related to the FISA warrant applications on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. He also called for the release of unredacted text messages of former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and Justice Department official Bruce Ohr. While many political pundits viewed this move as a surprise, it comes after months of demands from top House Republicans making their plea to Trump on a variety of Fox News shows.

Several of Trump’s most vocal supporters, who also happen to be the top purveyors of Trump-Russia conspiracy theories, are Fox News hosts Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, and Jeanine Pirro. While these individuals are responsible for spreading lies and propaganda in an effort to discredit Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia treason, the station still employs at least one anchor not afraid to push back against these false claims.

As Palmer Report has documented Shepard Smith has previously devoted segments to his show to debunk some of Hannity’s conspiracy theories, including the favorite Uranium One falsehood. Following Trump’s most recent attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in which Trump stated he didn’t “have an Attorney General,” Smith called him out on his meltdown. “When you think things can’t get worse. He denied his existence,” Smith stated. “He said ‘Oh, I don’t have an Attorney General. But the Attorney General isn’t supposed to be on his team. He works for the people.”

Shep Smith’s guest, Fox contributor John Bussey, also weighed in with his thoughts on Donald Trump’s increasingly unhinged behavior. “You have to conclude that the president feels vulnerable,” Bussey said. “Why that may be, perhaps only Mr. Mueller knows.” With several members of Trump’s inner circle heading to prison, and the investigation getting closer to Trump every day, it is pretty evident why Trump feels vulnerable – and his desperation will only get worse.

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