Fox News has a whole new scandal

After Fox News agreed to pay nearly $800 million in damages, the defeatists began crying that it wasn’t nearly enough – that because this was a settlement just before the trial began, it meant that the organization was once again getting away with it all, even though the people shouting this the loudest would largely be unsatisfied with any result short of Fox News immediately disappearing from their cable box.

However, what happened with the Dominion lawsuit is only the beginning of the end, as the lawsuit with Smartmatic is still ongoing, and a number of the biggest loudmouths from Fox ended up losing their jobs rather unexpectedly. Now, we’re seeing another prominent lawsuit about to happen – and it’s coming just as the network is trying to regroup to slow the bleeding.

You might not have heard of Nina Jankowicz, an expert on Russian disinformation chosen briefly to head a Department of Homeland Security division a year ago. Since then, Republicans have been trying to make her the face of a host of ridiculous conspiracy theories – to be as despised as they got people to despise Anthony Fauci and Al Gore.

The problem is that they didn’t have much to go on so they decided to make things up – running defamatory statements about her character that put her life at risk. This means that the round of firings we saw will likely not be the last, and it’s only a question of how much more money Fox can expect to lose in the coming weeks.

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