Donald Trump’s darkening prospects

Evil charisma. Many say Charles Manson had it. After all — he talked his “family” into butchering innocent people. Jim Jones. Jones was said to have had evil charisma. Just look at what he convinced his followers to do. Adolf Hitler. Osama bin Laden. Even some mass murderers like Ted Bundy. They all had this thing called “evil charisma.”

Donald Trump has evil charisma. It is not the type of charisma we are used to. It is not, for example, what former president Barack Obama has. No, it is the opposite. It’s dark, it’s sinister, and it’s poison.

Those with evil charisma command all eyes on them. Their evilness sparkles; it literally emulates from their person. Anyone who is not taken in, brainwashed, spellbound, or otherwise enchanted can see it plainly.

The ones who can’t see it are doomed. They are the cultists, the hypnotized, who have their own dark sides that yearn to become fully enmeshed in depravity. There is a sinister real danger in the dark charisma phenomenon. But for anyone looking for a reason, those seeking to understand the sycophancy, the wickedness of evil charisma, start with Donald Trump.

This evil charisma that so casts its spell over cultists, repulses anyone normal. When we watched January 6, we felt like vomiting. We were outraged. But for the cultists, it’s like something is missing inside them — call it a missing piece, a yearning to belong, a conscious or conscious dream to be a PART of something — even if that something is rotted.

The good thing about Trump’s evil charisma is only tiny numbers have fallen prey to it. Here is a good example. Donald Trump’s “Truth Social” has only had 1.7 million unique visitors since September 2022. Trump’s rallies are attended by groups in the low thousands — far from the millions that make up this country.

And though Trump does have some Republican support, most Americans do not want him as president and say the investigations into him are fair. In the latest NPR / PBS Newshour / Marist poll, it found that 6 in 10 people do not want him as president and that he remains highly disliked.

That’s the thing with evil charisma. It only works on certain people. More than likely, evil charisma, sparkle darkly though it does, will repel, not draw in. This is because the evil leader in question is usually out of his or her mind.

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