“Fire them!”

There is a certain planet of people who are experiencing some terrestrial difficulties right now. Their orbit has been knocked off kilter. I call them Planet Maga. Planet Maga exists separate from other people. And that’s a good thing. Not many could breathe the same air and possibly survive.
And right now, Planet Maga has this to say: “Fire them!” To whom are they referring? Donald Trump’s legal team. This is because the list of Special Masters has been submitted to Judge Cannon. And some on planet Maga hate all the choices.
I am often astonished at how hard it is for planet Maga to be at all happy, even when they win. Planet Maga is spinning out of control with falsities. For example, witness the remark of this planet Maga genius.
“Trump needs to fire his attorneys. They nominated two leftist Judges.” This is completely false. In fact, one of the nominees submitted by team Trump is not even a Judge. But as you know, trying to explain the truth to planet Maga never EVER ends well.
In the world of the infernal planet Maga, truth does not matter. And now many of them are on a tear about how awful the special master choices are. Just who did they expect to get? Steve Bannon? Ted Cruz? Tucker Carlson?
Well — yes, probably that is exactly who planet Maga would have chosen. The fact that they would see nothing wrong with those choices is yet another item of dysfunction on their planet. Planet Maga’s gravity does not allow for other more sane forms of life and probably never will.