Donald Trump goes off the deep end after figuring out why he’s going to be ousted

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You’d have to ask Donald Trump what finally did the trick for him today. Something, whether it be a bombshell news story that hasn’t yet surfaced, or his own attorneys finally managing to hammer it into his deluded brain, prompted Trump to figure out this morning that he’s already sealed his own fate. It sent him completely off the deep end, to the point where he began making such desperate claims, all anyone could do was shake their head.

Donald Trump has somehow finally figured out that he confessed to felony obstruction of justice when he told NBC’s Lester Holt during an interview last year that he fired FBI Director James Comey to try to make the Russia investigation go away. He’s also figured out that the televised confession is going to lead to his downfall. We can deduce this based on the fact that Trump is now trying to push the claim that the interview didn’t really happen – or that the confession was somehow faked.

In amongst a torrent of false attacks on CNN, MSNBC and other news outlets, Trump tweeted this about NBC News: “When Lester Holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia, they were hurt badly!” To be clear, not only is Trump accusing NBC of having dishonesty edited the interview footage, he’s also falsely claiming that this was already publicly exposed awhile ago, and that the resulting controversy hurt NBC. The thing is, none of this happened. In reality, NBC posted the entire non-condensed interview online shortly after the condensed version aired on television, and Trump’s confession is as clear as can be.

At this point Donald Trump is either trying to convince us that a whole controversy happened last year that never happened, or he’s so far gone, he’s somehow convinced himself that it happened. Either way, Trump – in his own mentally deranged way – has figured out that the Holt interview is going to be Exhibit A in his impeachment. He’s now going to the most absurdist extremes imaginable to try to discredit his own confession before it’s used against him.

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