FBI reportedly raids home of Lauren Boebert’s former campaign manager

Earlier this week Palmer Report pointed out that Merrick Garland’s DOJ had managed to more or less put various phony election “audits” around the country out of business simply by letting the leaders of the Arizona “audit” know that their illegal actions were being probed. We explained why it was a win for democracy, whether the DOJ ended up criminally charging those involved with the fake audits or not.

In a twist of timing, last night The Daily Beast reported that the Feds have indeed raided the homes of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters and three other Republican political figures, after they allegedly tampered with voting machines in an attempt at performing an “audit” of their own. So this makes clear that the DOJ is indeed still criminally pursuing at least some aspects of the phony 2020 election audits. But there’s more – and it ties back to Lauren Boebert of all people.

After the raid, Peters appeared on Mike Lindell’s broadcast last night. During the show, Lindell revealed that one of the other people raided is Sherronna Bishop, the former campaign manager for Lauren Boebert. This is intriguing for a few reasons.

This doesn’t mean Lauren Boebert was involved with the election “audits.” It could be mere coincidence that her campaign manager later went on to be allegedly involved in a voting machine breach plot. But even if it is, let’s say Bishop ends up deciding to cooperate with the Feds in order to keep herself from being further criminally pursued. In such case she’d have to give up everything she knows, period, including any criminal dirt she might have on Boebert. We’ll see where this goes or doesn’t go, but it’s certainly… interesting.

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