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It seems Donald Trump isn’t taking too well to his gag order as he went nuts again on Wednesday morning, ranting and raving as only a mentally ill convicted felon could rant. Now allow me, if you will, to show you how this incredibly pathetic post started: “I am proud to represent our failing nation.”

What a pathetic comment! What false, sad words, proving that Donald Trump doesn’t understand the first thing about America. America is not “failing.” Have you noticed friends and readers, that Donald Trump NEVER has anything positive to say about America? I mean, at this point, I sometimes wonder what the heck he’s even doing here because it’s plain as day that he hates America and everything she stands for.

“I am proud to represent out failing nation.” Then Trump, of course, demanded his gag order be lifted, saying that “Presidential candidates “are not to be gagged.”

Perhaps that is USUALLY the case. However, convicted felons ARE to be gagged even if they’re running for the highest office in the land. I do have a question for Putin’s poodle. Is there ONE thing about America he likes? Besides himself, of course. Is there anything?

Her freedoms? Nope. Her respectability? Heck no. Her welcoming of “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free?” Nope.

There is not one thing Donald Trump likes about our country. He talks about immigrants, happily talks about deporting them, throwing them out of our country, our great country who WELCOMES these immigrants, welcomes them with love and smiles, offering them the dignity that was denied them in their own countries.

Yet it is Donald trump who is the alien. He has broken the law again and again. And he is an alien to America, and what makes her tick, what makes her the breathtaking, diverse , welcoming tapestry that she is.

The stakes are high in 2024! Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads to make our content more easily accessible, and we're now a reader supported site. Help Palmer Report succeed by donating $5 or more!