Donald Trump has failed yet again

– So Trump failed to stop the election from happening, failed to use the post office to win, failed to stop the ballots from being counted, failed to stop the media from declaring a winner… and now we’re supposed to believe this inept idiot will magically overturn the result? My professional analysis: LOL!

– Seriously, please stop asking me what the odds are that Trump somehow magically overturns the election. The odds are zero. Literally zero. Not 0.1%, but 0.0%. If you don’t believe that, it’s okay, but please don’t write in. You’re not going to change my mind. I’m just as right about this as I was about the fact that Trump would lose the election.

– If Donald Trump did have Jeffrey Epstein killed, it looks like he did it for nothing. Trump still lost the election, and the prison sentence he’ll get for his financial crimes alone will be enough to put him in prison for the rest of his natural life. I’m still not taking a position on whether Epstein did or didn’t kill himself; we may never know for sure. I’m just saying that if Trump did have him offed, then it’s yet another instance of Trump doing something corrupt that didn’t end up helping him.

– Twitter has done a good job of plastering over Trump’s false tweets about mail-in voting and election results. Now it’s time for Twitter to start plastering over Trump’s false tweets about the coronavirus vaccine. It’s just as important.

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