Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s pathetic Ken Starr meltdown

– Former special prosecutor Ken Starr is yet another corrupt has-been Republican who has been trying to regain his relevance by kissing up to Donald Trump. That’s not working out well for any of them, now that Trump has lost. But Trump keeps quoting Ken Starr tonight on Twitter anyway, and the people of Twitter just can’t stop laughing.

– Both parties in Congress are now signaling that they’ll not only pass the U.S. military budget, but also override any Trump veto. Palmer Report predicted this. The republicans were never going to be seen as defunding the military, just because Trump didn’t get his way when it came to adding an anti-Twitter provision to the military budget.

– Kayleigh McEnany, speaking for Donald Trump, is now insisting that Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp is “no different” than Stacey Abrams. Okay, fine. If Trump wants his last act to consist of costing a number of Republican Governors re-election, then I’ll gladly take it.

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