Everyone piles on after Donald Trump suffers massive Twitter fail

Donald Trump’s Twitter account has long been a joke by any standard. The guy routinely tweets things that are false, harmful, absurd, racist, and divisive. He also tends to tweet things that are illiterate, incoherent, and seem like they’ve been written by an ill-tempered child. Today Trump managed to accomplish all of the above, with one of his worst Twitter fails to date:

Biden FAILED BADLY with the Swine Flu. It was the Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”. He didn’t have a clue. We have done an incredible job with the much tougher China Virus!

Yeah, we’re not even sure where to start with this. The Obama-Biden administration handled the swine flu just fine. We know this because their handling of the swine flu didn’t result in the economy shutting down, or massive lockdowns, or the need for masks, or a six figure death toll.

Meanwhile Trump is once again using the racist and idiotic term “China Virus” while insisting that he’s somehow done a great job, even though more than 200,000 Americans are now dead from it. And just for good measure, Trump inexplicably used only one quotation mark in his tweet – a reminder that despite having the nearly infinite resources of the presidency at his disposal, he makes more errors than the rest of us do.

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