Even Bill Barr now admits Donald Trump is going down

Former Attorney General Bill Barr has officially disembarked the Trump train. Of course, he’s been moving that way for quite some time now, but his recent bold statements show that he has no intentions of reboarding. In his appearance on CBS News with Catherine Herridge, Barr was blunt and to the point about Donald Trump and his theft of classified documents and opined that Trump is “very exposed” legally.
Continuing to discuss the classified documents issue with Herridge, Barr said that Jack Smith could charge Trump “as soon as this summer.” Barr told Herridge: “It’s very clear that he had no business having those documents. He was given a long time to send them back.” He clarified that he has always said that Trump wouldn’t get in trouble for taking the documents, but because the government had to subpoena the records and Trump obviously tried to conceal them, Trump strayed into unlawful territory. No one is a fan of Bill Barr, who did all he could to shield Trump while he was in office, but he’s not the only one who feels this way.
ABC News reported that Tim Parlatore, the former Trump lawyer who recently departed the team, claims that he left because of “infighting,” but many believe he left because Trump is headed to jail. Even Trump’s former White House lawyer Ty Cobb said last week that Trump “will go to jail” over the classified documents he unlawfully secreted from the White House. According to Business Insider, Cobb has no doubt that Trump is going to jail. He mentioned the letter from the National Archives that CNN recently obtained that clearly shows that Trump and his advisors knew the declassification process. Cobb said that all the DOJ needs to show is that Trump moved the documents after the DOJ asked for their return and then had his lawyers file a false affidavit with the DOJ. This is clear evidence of guilt, and Cobb opined that Jack Smith’s case is “tight” with respect to obstruction. Now that Trump, his team, and his allies know this, what do they plan to do about it? The one thing they do best, issue threats.
According to Newsweek, Steve Bannon “issued a warning” to Bill Barr. After hearing Barr speak about the case, Bannon took to his “War Room” podcast, calling Bill Barr “the worst type of Republican Establishment vermin.” That’s funny because all Barr did was cover for Trump at every turn. Now that he’s back in public life, he’s trying to come across as objective. Bannon, who was tied up in all of Trump’s messes (and was pardoned by Trump) now wants to call out Barr.
Republicans have consistently turned on each other as narratives shape and turn. They have no loyalty to anyone but themselves. Trump would be well-advised to heed the words coming from his current and former allies. They will clearly turn whichever way they think makes them look best, and if that means taking down Trump, so be it. What a bunch of clowns. They can be likened to broken shutters that wave aimlessly in the breeze.

Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years