Donald Trump’s hydroxychloroquine scandal takes new turn after one of his stooges accidentally emails the wrong person

Donald Trump spent weeks falsely promoting hydroxychloroquine as a risk-free coronavirus treatment, at a time when it was already known that the drug had potentially fatal side effects. Studies have since shown that it doesn’t help with coronavirus anyway. Numerous Trump stooges have also been promoting the drug. Now one of them just made a mess of things.

Jerome Corsi, the far right conspiracy theorist who would have been arrested for felony perjury if Robert Mueller’s probe hadn’t been sabotaged by Bill Barr, has apparently been coordinating with a Trump-connected doctor on some kind of hydroxychloroquine scheme. The trouble: the doctor’s name is Zelenko, but Corsi accidentally sent it to Aaron Zelinsky, the Mueller prosecutor who was investigating him.

The Washington Post says that as a result of this email, the DOJ is now looking into whatever Zelenko and Corsi were trying to cook up with regard to hydroxychloroquine. Corsi is insisting that it wasn’t criminal in nature. But this could help expose why Trump and so many of his stooges have been promoting the same phony coronavirus miracle cure.

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