Double trouble

Of all the presidential impeachments in the past 250 years, half of them have been against Donald Trump. That alone tells you how bizarre things have gotten here at the end of the most calamitously treasonous presidency in American history.
Even Trump’s most crucial allies like Mitch McConnell, and his most stupidly loyal of friends like Geraldo Rivera, are now in favor of impeachment. As the number of Republicans in favor of impeachment continues to grow, it looks like there just might be enough votes to convict and remove Trump. It brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “seven days or less.”
Trump has now been cut off by three banks in the past three days. He’s lost his Twitter account, which was going to be worth a lot of money to him once he left office and needed to raise legal defense funds. He’s lost a prestigious golf tournament. He’s even somehow lost Bill Belichick.
Donald Trump is being dismantled right in front of us. The first impeachment didn’t work, but the second one just might stick. It’s double trouble for him. And if he insists on sticking it out for the entire seven days instead of resigning, the bad news for him will just keep coming.
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