Don’t stay home, Donald

Donald Trump’s former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said what most Republicans are secretly hoping. That Donald Trump stays home and shuts up until after the December 6th runoff election between Raphael Warnock and the brain dead cretin he’s running against. This is one time when they don’t want the devil to go down to Georgia. What they aren’t saying out loud is Trump is poison, the kiss of death, and they really — really — need Herschel Walker to win.

But it gets better. McEnany did say she wants Ron DeSantis to help out. “I think Governor DeSantis should be welcome to the state given what happened last night,” McEnany told Fox News. In other words, McEnany said DeSantis should go to Georgia and help out. Trump should stay home and shut up. Most Republican leaders probably emphatically agree with her but are afraid to say so. I suspect ketchup is flying at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump still has his toxic base of drooling, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals, and Republican players don’t want to offend them. But Republicans have to acknowledge that there are not enough of them to win elections. A lot of them won’t vote because of the hilarious, ironic fact that they believe the Big Lie, that elections are rigged anyway. The undeniable reality is obvious to Republicans. Candidates that are backed by Donald Trump have a funny habit of losing.

Here’s the problem. Trump doesn’t care what anyone has to say. The only thing that matters to him is his ego. So he is going to go ahead and announce his candidacy for president on November 15th just like he said he would. Then he’s going to try to make the Warnock-Walker runoff all about him.

Trump doesn’t really care about anything else. He probably doesn’t care who wins the runoff election either. Even though a Warnock win would spell disaster for the Republican Party it would serve Trump’s fantasy about himself as a conquering hero who can fix every situation no matter how dire it becomes. The worse it gets for the Republicans the better it gets for Donald Trump.

I tend to agree. I want Trump to announce his candidacy, then I want him in Georgia. Warnock’s chances for a win in the runoff are very good. Donald Trump’s “help” will just about guarantee that Herschel Walker loses. Republicans know this and are terrified. So don’t stay home, Donald. Go to Georgia. We need you there. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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