Don’t let the media get away with this one

We did very well in the 2022 midterms. There are a variety of reasons for that. But one of those reasons stands out. Abortion. The overturning of Roe created a wave of anger in this country. Women turned out. We rocked the vote. We won. And we must replicate that success in 2024. After all, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

We successfully labeled candidates like Mehmet Oz and Herschel Walker as the creeps they are. And that strategy works. When we single out these republicans as having abnormal views, the people listen. So that’s why we have to do the same in our next major elections.

It infuriates me that the media is already talking about our poor chances. In the past week or so, I have read several articles filled with nothing but fake news and the same old, same old about how Democrats have a tough map in front of them. I say we can win. But we have to do it in the same way we did it in the midterms.

Letting people know how crazy the other party is will be so vital. And judging by what we’ve already seen, the GOP is going to make our job much easier for us than one might think.

The whole Republican Party is cratering. And not much is likely to change in the next couple of years. If anything they will only get more insane. And come 2024, we will have the chance to gain even more seats as well as a second term for President Biden.

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