Donald Trump’s trap door

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This article is about three things: Donald Trump, the future, and the trap door lurking, waiting for republicans to fall through it. As we come closer to the end of 2022 and the ushering in of a new year, the GOP is going to have to make some decisions. What are they going to do about Donald Trump?

You see, The Donald, as you know, has launched a fake candidacy. This candidacy is not real, and yet Republicans are going to face the ultimate test. The test of the trap door. What are they going to do?

Donald Trump is a man who gives no loyalty and yet demands loyalty one hundred percent. As we head into winter and the snow gathers, so does Trump’s sense of entitlement, festering rage, and fury — at Republicans.

Trump will – and make no mistake about this — demand loyalty. At some point in the future, he will demand recognition. He will demand endorsements. The GOP finds itself in quite an odd position. They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

Now — here is where the Trap door comes into play. If the GOP falls into Trump’s trap and falls in line around him, they will have fallen through the trap door. They, as a party, will have taken that last step into hell. If they denounce him — they stand to lose Maga — or a big chunk of it.

Now some in the Maga world have moved on. Many are highly interested in other candidates like Ron DeSantis. Others are still with Trump. The GOP is like a bunch of stuck pigs, unable to squeal their way out of this very nasty and pervasive problem they have. No matter what they do, it floats in the background.

And please do not think when Trump is indicted, it will go away. Trump will still demand their loyalty. And some, like Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, will give it. The GOP risks being swallowed alive by the fringe. What should they do? Denounce or not denounce? Endorse or not endorse? Walk through the trap door or stay behind?

They genuinely have few options. One thing is sure. Trump’s on his way down and fully intends to take the GOP with him. This is not a man who will go quietly into the night. Not Trump. If he goes down, he wants everyone around him to plummet as well. If they burn they all burn together. If the leader fails, his flock must follow. That is what the sound and the fury of Trumpism — of Maga — is all about.[mashshare shares=”false” buttons=”true” align=”left” services=”3″ size=”small”]

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.