Donald Trump’s paranoid psychosis spirals further out of control

Let’s talk about Donald Trump and his “gross paranoid psychosis.” Dr. Lance Dodes is a former clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. In an interview with Chauncey DeVega of “Salon,” he warned of Trump’s “gross paranoid psychosis,” which he says is happening right now.

The Doctor says the pressures are getting to Trump. He said that all the stress and the anxiety, coupled with the prospect of being penniless, could bring new issues to Donald Trump’s mental state: “Donald Trump’s severe narcissistic antisocial (sociopathic) character disorder means he cannot tolerate or even acknowledge losses or defeats.”

The Doctor said Trump also appears to be losing touch with reality. He can’t deal with people holding him accountable, the psychiatrist said. And he added a word that everyone in the media should be talking about as it relates to Trump — “decompensating.”

“As many have predicted, as pressures on him continue to rise, his claims of greatness, his inability to accept legal constraints and punishments, and his destructive impulses toward all who have limited him will increase.”

“Ultimately, he may decompensate to the point of gross paranoid psychosis.” It is a stark and ominous prediction for Donald Trump. I also believe every word of it. We are already seeing it. Expect more outbursts from Trump, more paranoid delusions, more fury. It is all part of his narcissistic collapse, and this Doctor know that no good comes from these types of collapses — for the narcissist.

The walls are not CLOSING IN for Trump; the walls have already enclosed him. When a wounded narcissist can’t free himself, of course, he will deteriorate. Trump’s a special case, though, because, as several people have said, including myself — I believe he has multiple personality disorders.

He is decompensating before our eyes, and there is no stopping it. But you know what? I do not want to end this story of a narcissist yet. I want to talk about the OTHER end of the spectrum, OUR story. Kindness. Sanity. Wisdom. Courage. All are things Trump never had. But Biden has them all. He WILL win in 2024. Why?

The American political story is not just about the fall of a narcissist; it is also about the gift we were given in 2020, the gift of a President with morality. We all feel this morality every day. And in 2024, our story will continue with the winner of the 2024 Presidential race.

This story will be one for the history books, a charmer of a book and a diamond in the rough. It will be a jewelry box of a story that, when you open said jewelry box, you will be opening and letting out a Pandora’s box of Fun ingredients, including wisdom, honor, and human decency. And most prevalent in this story is a trinket of a president, a warm, brave, and decent man who will have yet another four years and whom history will never forget.

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