Donald Trump’s own former White House Press Secretary gives him up

“It was just something he did once.” “Oh, it happened so many years ago.” “He’s a different person now.” These are among the many outlandish rationalizations Donald Trump apologists offer surrounding the recent verdict holding Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation again E. Jean Carroll. In the meantime, new evidence is surfacing that makes these statements even more ludicrous.

Stephanie Grisham, who served the ogre as White House Press Secretary for nearly a year, revealed that she observed widespread sexual harassment at work. According to Grisham’s account, it was “really bad, to the point that I was extremely uncomfortable.” Since just about everything with Trump is really bad and extreme, this is not at all surprising.

In an appearance this week on CNN, Grisham detailed how Trump would routinely make comments about women’s bodies and wonder aloud about possible cosmetic surgeries. However, Trump seemed to target an unnamed staffer whom Trump preferred to take on trips. She explained how, on one occasion, Trump ordered one of Grisham’s deputies to bring that staffer back so that Trump could “look at her ass,” as he put it.

According to Grisham, she took pains to keep this staffer away from Trump and avoid going on trips with him whenever possible. “I was really nervous about what could happen,” she explained. Not only did senior staffers know about this disturbing situation, but Grisham had spoken to Mark Meadows and other chiefs of staff about it. However, nothing worked because, as Grisham explained, “Donald Trump will do what Donald Trump wants to do.”

Former White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin also told CNN that she personally witnessed “countless” examples of “impropriety.” Like Grisham, she informed Meadows and other chiefs of staff about the abhorrent behavior to no avail.

The idea that “Donald Trump will do what Donald Trump wants to do” is much of the reason why Trump lost the last presidential election. Anyone who watched CNN’s disastrous “town hall” Wednesday night was reminded of the ugliness of Trump’s failed term and the danger of complacency with getting out the vote in next year’s presidential election. Trump has a long as well as recent history as a sexual abuser, and we all deserve better than this twice-impeached creep.

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