Donald Trump’s dark echo chamber

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The skies above are not purple. Oh, they may occasionally show wild streaks of glittering amethyst as the sun sets. The horizons may show all sorts of colors, melting into each other. That’s why our skies, sunsets, and horizons are so damn beautiful.

But most of the time, the sky above is not purple. It is blue, sometimes a soft blue, sometimes a stormy one but blue nonetheless. The skies are blue. “An apple is an apple,” not a banana, as CNN often showed in its “This is an apple commercial, not recently seen.

In the book 1984, Winston saw only four fingers, not five as big bother tried to tell him. That’s because only four fingers WERE being held up. And Donald Trump’s evil echo chamber is only a small part of America. I feel I must remind all of us of that fact. The echo chamber of Donald Trump does not exist in huge numbers, as Chris Licht, CEO of CNN, tried to say.

In the aftermath of one of the worst hours of television I’ve ever had the displeasure to see, so many were horrified. Not Chris Licht, though. How do I know? Because Licht spoke out.

Licht was present on an early morning editorial call. And he said this: “While we all may have been uncomfortable hearing people clapping, that was also an important part of the story.” Licht went on to reportedly say those who clapped represent “a large swath of America.” No, they do not.

The worst part of the town hall from hell was the echo chamber — the evil ones ensconced in the audience — the people who think laughing at sexual assault is a good thing. Take a look around you, Chris Licht. How many real people do you know who feel that way? What Chris Licht did is not in its way that different from big brother in 1984.

He is attempting to sell a lie. He’s attempting to darken your days with the implication that a huge number of people are like those cretins in the audience.

The Trump audience was a small part of America. That is the truth. That audience of wicked laughing clowns, of dark and brainless savages do NOT – I repeat — do NOT represent a large swath of America, and Licht likely knows it. Did you notice friends the dark chemistry of that audience? The feeling of repugnance they inspired? The vortex of hate they ARE?

Licht’s attempts to normalize did not work. But we all have our own touchstones to reality. And sometimes it’s important to use them. The sky above is blue. America is a beautiful country. The echo chamber of the traitor is tiny. And we — the non-indoctrinated, the ones who still stand for truth and honor — are mighty.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report