Donald Trump’s laptop

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The failed, stupid, twice-impeached, part time golfer and full time thug who used to be “president” is in trouble again. Now it turns out that a laptop belonging to a current aide to the known rapist and murderer Donald Trump was surrendered to federal officials. It is alleged that the laptop contains electronic copies of classified documents.

Why the aide has copies on his laptop of classified documents that Trump stole is unclear, but a likely scenario is easy to construct. Trump is a techno moron, and is therefore not a big user of computers, relying more on his phone to broadcast his deranged messages of lies, hatred and idiotic conspiracy theories.

It would therefore not be hard to believe that Trump instructed the aide to scan one or more documents to the laptop. Having it on a laptop instead of paper means it’s easier to transport, smuggle, or transmit for some corrupt purpose, say, in exchange for money or favours. Having it in electronic form is the very soul of villainous convenience.

This is just speculation, mind, but, given the kind of person Trump has shown himself to be for decades, it would not be surprising in the least if it turned out to be true. After all, Trump is a known thug, thief, rapist and murderer, he still claims he won the 2020 presidential election and used it to incite an insurrection, despite the fact that there isn’t a shred of evidence to support his claim. And he lost every one of his pathetic arguments in more than 60 federal and state courts.

Trump still lives in a fantasyland despite all the legal peril he appears to be in. Whatever the case, his possession of the laptop documents (and other classified documents) is a crime, punishable by prison.

Sources said the discovery of the laptop files happened in mid-January while Trump’s team searched additional boxes. This discovery by itself is far, far worse than the nontroversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s so-called email “scandal.”

It represents an unprecedented amount of criminal disregard for national security by the disgraced fool who was summarily booted out of office by an outraged American constituency. Anyone other than the contemptible clown Trump would already be in prison right this minute for this and other of his crimes.

The laptop and other material were discovered in the Mar-a-Lago complex and not in the storage facility within the complex. As Republicans are so fond of boasting, Trump’s stolen classified documents were “safe” because many of them were in a closet behind an ordinary, laughably easy-to-pick locked door.

But now we see those documents and more can in fact be anywhere at Mar-a-Lago, including one of Trump’s filthy, garish, gold-plated bathrooms. More documents might also live in other properties owned by the detestable hoodlum.

There are eight million stories in the naked city of Trump’s blatantly criminal activity. This has been one of them. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report