Donald Trump’s implosion is hitting his GOP allies across the board

Because Donald Trump’s entire foray into politics was based on corruption, extremism, and pandering to delusional lunatics, it prompted the very worst of right wing political figures to shoot for the moon. With Trump now out of power, we’re watching him be incrementally dismantled by multiple investigations. The big question has been who else would go down with him.

Now we’re starting to get a more clear picture of just how ugly the Trump implosion could end up being for his right wing allies. It was always a given that folks like Mark Meadows and Steve Bannon were going to end up in serious legal trouble as a result of the various probes into Trump.

But now the January 6th Committee is probing people like Arizona right wing extremist lunatic Kelli Ward, and subpoenaing her communications. It turns out Ward and her husband both signed documents falsely claiming to be Arizona’s electors, which is a serious felony.

It was Kelli Ward who helped ostracize the late John McCain within the Arizona Republican Party. Ward has done severe damage in the state. But now she has the January 6th Committee breathing down her neck. And given the DOJ’s fairly recent statement that it’s also looking into the fake electors scandal, Ward and other fake electors could end up facing criminal charges. Donald Trump’s implosion is hitting his GOP allies across the board.

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