Donald Trump’s fake “2024 campaign” is tanking already

When Donald Trump filed papers last week and announced he was “running” in the 2024 presidential election, it was obviously not a real thing. Half his family didn’t bother to show up for the announcement. He hasn’t bothered to hire a campaign manager. There is no “Trump 2024 campaign” anywhere but on paper. Trump obviously only made this phony announcement so that when the DOJ Special Counsel indicts him, he can milk his supporters for money by claiming he’s being targeted because he’s a candidate. And the media had no business reporting the story in any other way.

But regardless of the media’s willing complicity when it comes to Donald Trump’s fake 2024 campaign, the good news is that the public isn’t interested in playing along. Any one new poll has to be taken with a grain or three of salt. But the new Quinnipiac poll says that 57% of Americans view Trump’s supposed 2024 campaign as a “bad thing,” with just 34% of Americans thinking it’s a good thing.

Even if you throw in a few points to cover the margin of error, these numbers are just horrifyingly bad for Donald Trump. The clear majority of Americans have rejected his 2024 “campaign” already, with only one-third of Americans having any interest in it. These numbers are just devastatingly bad, and make clear that Trump wouldn’t have a real chance in 2024 even if he were going to remain unindicted long enough to make it to the start of the 2024 election cycle.

Of course, while Trump’s numbers are worse than ever, this trend is nothing new. Ever since he first left office, various polls have consistently shown that only about half of Republican primary voters wanted Trump to be the 2024 nominee. Given his name recognition and recent incumbency, those numbers always made clear that Trump wasn’t going to be viable in 2024 – even within his own party. It was over for Trump a long time ago. He’s only still relevant as a criminal defendant, not as a political candidate.

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