Donald Trump’s Bronx meltdown

When you look at the 2020 election results, you see that the Bronx hates Donald Trump more than just about anyone. He only got about 15% of the vote there. Trump is only holding a rally in the Bronx for two reasons. One is that it’s close enough to his Manhattan trial that he can travel there without serious wear and tear on his feeble cognitive abilities. The other is that Trump is trying to play into the media’s ludicrous false claim that he’s suddenly more popular with Black voters than he was four years ago.
Of course Trump won’t have any trouble getting some folks to turn out for his rally tonight, because New York City is a town of ten million people. Even in a city where most people hate you, you still have a sizable number of fans. And while Trump is particularly hated in the Bronx, he’s popular in places like Staten Island.
The trouble for Trump is that, even in the photos he’s posting on social media of the people starting to show up for the rally, almost all of them are white. Trump’s social media people made a point of interviewing one Black guy who supports Trump, but even in that video you can see in the background that almost everyone else there is white. And that’s hilarious given that the Bronx is 86% nonwhite.
So as Trump’s Bronx rally gets underway, and the media decides to apply whatever narratives it’s going to apply, let’s remember to keep some facts straight. The Bronx overwhelmingly hates Trump. The mostly white crowd at his Bronx rally is coming from outside the Bronx. And there is still zero evidence to support the media’s claim that Black voters are somehow shifting to Trump in 2024.