Donald Trump’s bizarre Chuck Grassley meltdown reveals just how far gone he is

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If Donald Trump is looking to stroke his own ego, he has plenty to fall back on. He was a TV star. He got his name on plenty of buildings. He even illegitimately held the office of President of the United States. But as people sink into dementia, they often try to cope with their inability to function in the present by overstating their past accomplishments.

Those delusions of grandeur were on full display this weekend when Trump attempted to give a speech in Iowa, and ended up bizarrely claiming that he’s the reason Iowa Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst are in office. This is total fiction on both accounts. It’s also not helping Trump any.

The Iowa Republicans in his audience certainly recall that Grassley has been in office for a million years and that he’s never seriously been challenged. Trump isn’t gaining any votes by talking like this. All it might do is prompt Iowa Republicans to ask themselves what’s wrong with Trump’s brain, as he tries to falsely take credit for Grassley’s career.

In any case this is yet another instance of Donald Trump trying to give a speech but instead merely revealing how severe his dementia is becoming. His actual past successes aren’t enough. He feels compelled to escalate his own past in fictional fashion, to try to compensate for how it’s all slipping away now.

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