Donald Trump’s ugly seven

Donald Trump, traitor, insurrectionist, under investigation for espionage, has attempted to brand President Joe Biden as an “enemy of the state.” This shows so well the art of projection. Donald Trump is himself an enemy of the state. He has shown it, proven it. We all have witnessed it. There is no “there” there in Trump’s accusation. There is plenty in ours.
Anyone who could start an insurrection — who could whip up supporters into a frenzy of hate — is themselves an enemy of the state. Anybody who could obstruct the Department of Justice by stealing classified documents and refusing to give them back is an enemy of the state.
It is difficult to believe that one man caused all the troubles. One foolish, babyish, pathetic person who may look human in many ways is not. He wears human skin. But his heart is black as coal, and most Americans see that. And in Trump, we see a compilation of the seven deadly sins. Let’s look at the seven deadly sins and how they relate to Donald Trump.
Pride. Yes, Donald Trump’s pride is a venomous tool. He has said publicly that he’s never wrong about anything. I can think of no better example of a man’s misplaced pride than that statement.
Greed. Is there anything Trump adores more than money? I cannot think of anything.
Wrath. Trump and wrath walk side by side. Wrath is inside, fused to him, and will likely never leave him. It is the one thing he can always count on.
Lust, gluttony, and sloth. All are present within Trump. Sloth is his middle name. He lusts for that which he can’t have. Sloth enriches him.
But now we have come to the big one. Envy.
Envy is what fuels Trump. His whole life is about envy — about coveting.
He covets the Presidency. He covets Obama’s wit and intelligence. He covets money. No matter how much he has ever had, it was never enough. He covets power.
Envy has ripped him apart. And it will likely continue to do so. He wants to fill the emptiness — the longing — with whatever he can, not understanding that nothing would ever be enough.
It is Donald Trump who is the real enemy of the state. He is a compilation of the seven deadly sins, a traitor filled with the worst of humanity, and a criminal on his way to prison.