Donald Trump sells out to the highest bidder

While Donald Trump has consistently spewed lies about his admiration and appreciation for American military veterans, his every action with regard to Veteran Affairs, the federal agency responsible for providing care for those who have served America, proves that he is a liar. As we have observed through Trump’s history, he only cares about himself, while promoting those he believes are in a position to benefit him. While the data seems to be changing, historically, Americans who have served in the military tend to lean Republican. In an effort to increase his diminishing base, Trump has often spoken out in favor of veterans.

However, when one looks at what Trump has actually done to affect the lives of veterans, the evidence proves he does not care. Based on the appointment to Secretary of Veterans Affairs of Dr. Ronny Jackson, the man who stood before America and lied that Trump had gained an inch of height and lost at least 40 pounds of weight, just so Trump would measure up just under the calculation of being obese, it is clear that Trump again put himself before anyone else. Following the appointment of Johnson, it was reported that he was excessively drinking on the job and created a hostile workplace. Johnson then withdrew himself from consideration for the position.

New evidence shows that Trump is using his position to benefit himself, rather than actually advance the lives of those that served our nation. It appears that three members of Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago club have been making decisions effecting the Veterans Affairs for months. “Documents obtained by [ProPublica] through the Freedom of Information Act reportedly show the three men exercising unprecedented influence over the VA, including by shaping policies, making personnel decisions, and speaking with top VA officials on a daily basis.”

It goes even further than simply having some cronies of Donald Trump making important decisions that affect America’s veterans. It is now reported that people have been traveling to Mar-a-Lago, paid for by taxpayers, in an effort to influence these men. If it was not already clear, under Trump’s illegitimate administration, every agency and policy can be influenced by the highest bidder.

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