Donald Trump reveals he’s hosed

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Donald Trump began yesterday by yelling “Not fair” at a U.S. Senator who dared to properly vet Trump’s highly flawed VA nominee. Trump ended yesterday by implying that he was holding blackmail material over that Senator, claiming that Vladimir Putin was somehow blackmailing him, and threatening to “shut the country down” in what might have been the most ludicrous tantrum yet in this infantile illegitimate presidency. Can it get any worse? Yes.

There are three entirely different things going on here, none of them good for the United States, but all of them particularly bad for Donald Trump. First, his Russia scandal has now so thoroughly closed in on him that he’s resorting to idiotic defenses along the lines of ‘Putin framed me.’ When you have to start accusing your criminal co-conspirator of having framed you, it means you’ve run out of defenses, both in legal terms and in the court of public opinion. Trump is making himself look incredibly bad by resorting to this level of laugh-out-loud defense.

Second, Trump’s relationship with both parties in Congress has deteriorated to the point that he’s threatening to shut down the government while implying that he’s blackmailing both Republican Senator Rand Paul and Democratic Senator Jon Tester. That leads us to Trump’s third problem: either he’s in such psychological decline that he’s resorting to making up fake blackmail claims against elected members of the government, or he really is sitting on Russian blackmail material against multiple Senators and he’s in such cognitive decline that he’s now publicly blurting it out.

The only thing we can tell you for certain is that this will get worse, and fast. There have been times when it felt like Donald Trump was in freefall. This time it feels like he strapped a rocket pack to his back and took off without realizing he’s wearing it upside down. In all seriousness, Trump is approaching the point where he belongs in a straitjacket. Whatever is wrong with him, it’s accelerating.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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