Donald Trump plots desperate move ahead of his Manhattan criminal indictment

Donald Trump, who’s being criminally indicted in Manhattan as soon as perhaps this Wednesday, is reportedly traveling to Iowa on Monday in a desperate attempt at convincing people he’s a candidate and not a criminal defendant. Good luck Donald. No stopping the indictments now.
Trump is reportedly going to Iowa tomorrow to try to pressure certain Iowa republicans into endorsing him. He knows they’re less likely to endorse him once he’s indicted, so he’s trying to make it happen right now. This is all so hilariously desperate.
The kicker is that Trump should have known all along that these indictments were coming. We knew. Why didn’t he? Why did he wait until he was informed by prosecutors* that he’s being indicted before trying this last minute attempt at getting endorsements?
Did Trump fall for the media’s ratings-driven hype about how he’d never be indicted? Or is Trump just doing what he’s always done in politics, which is to tepidly do nothing until it’s too late to matter and then frantically overreact in a way that can no longer help him.
Trump announced his imaginary “campaign” four months ago but then lazily did almost nothing to make anyone think it was even real. Now that he’s being indicted, he’s suddenly trying to take his nonexistent campaign seriously. This guy is so far behind the curve it’s almost pathetic.
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