Donald Trump just sent his own legal prospects for appeal down the toilet

I’ve argued all along that Donald Trump’s weird and witless trial antics weren’t part of some secret evil genius plan to get himself off the hook, and were instead a desperate act of self defeating stupidity. In right wing politics there’s such a thing as “stupiding” your way to success. But in an adult arena like the court of law, stupid antics only hurt you.

When Trump went full blown stupid this week by trying to deliver his own closing argument in a way that forced the judge to shut him down, I argued that Trump had slammed the door shut on any chance of getting anywhere on appeal.

Now a bunch of legal experts are pretty much saying the same thing: Trump’s stupid antics have screwed him when it comes to trying to appeal the upcoming verdict against him. We already knew this, but it’s good to see so many legal experts saying it.

The more Donald Trump acts like a clown with regard to his legal troubles and trials, the worse it’ll get for him. There’s no such thing as “stupiding” or misbehaving your way to victory in the legal arena – especially when you’re as witless about it as Trump is. All he’s been doing is digging himself an even deeper hole, and ensuring that he’ll hit bottom more quickly. In that sense Trump is welcome to keep at it.

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