Donald Trump is out of gas

What happens when malignant narcissists don’t get what they want? Something like this. “I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!” Yes, that screaming hyena is Donald Trump. He was reacting to his civil fraud trial. And the Donald was spoiling for a fight.

“Crooked Joe Biden!!” At approximately 5:00 AM, a raggedy Trump, likely not having caught many Z’S, went ballistic on Truth Social and started his daily diatribe of hate and lies.

“The closing argument of the state was pathetic!!” We knew it would happen. We knew Trump would go off his rocker at some point, and that time is now.




Notice something about this particular screed? Here’s the thing. Watching and listening to Donald Trump’s robotic outbursts, I am struck by something. He has become that which he HATES. Donald Trump has become — dare I say it? BORING.

“Boring, Donald. Boring, Boring, Boring.” At least in the past, Donald Trump’s vulgarity was able to notch him a few Maga’s who eagerly listened to what he had to say. But his base has shrunk so much. So in fact, have his rallies. He can’t fill stadiums anymore. People aren’t listening.

This is because it is ALWAYS the same old, same old, with Trump. I think I can recite his diatribes by heart. Here we go: “Witch hunt, thugs, I did nothing wrong, RIGGED ELECTION,” and you get the picture.

Donald Trump has now become a boring, psychotic dunce. He always WAS, but it is more readily apparent now. He has no other skill-set except to scream the exact words over and over again. He is an insurrectionist, yes. Donald Trump is also a traitor.

Donald Trump is a loser. But Donald Trump is also something else, something too few people are calling him. He is boring.

Dull as dishwater, as boring as watching paint dry. Donald Trump is the most boring creature ever to come out of politics, and he puts people to sleep with his broken-record temper tantrums. Donald Trump is the poster child for boring.

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